Wednesday 8 May 2013

Week 13 – Cultural

This week was the start of our two week holiday for May break.  This meant no placement, no classes and two weeks off to relax and enjoy the spring sunshine. 

Celebrating with some of the girls
Even though we were excited to have a few days off to relax the real excitement was brewing for a special occasion that was happening in The Netherlands.  This special occasion was Queen’s Day (Koninginnedag).  Queen’s day is a national holiday in The Netherlands that commemorates the birthday of the Queen.  The Dutch people have been celebrating Queen’s day on 30th April since 1949 when Queen Juliana was on the throne.  However the current Queen is Queen Beatrix who succeeded Juliana in 1980 but decided to keep Queen’s Day on April 30th (even though her own birthday is on 31st January).  One of the main reasons behind keeping the celebrations on April 30th was that there would be good weather for everyone to be able to enjoy the day outside in the sun.

Ever since we arrived in The Netherlands people had been talking about Queen’s Day and informing us about what happens on this day.  Based on what we had heard and pictures we had seen we thought that everybody dresses in Orange and everything turns into a big party to help the Queen celebrate her birthday (and yes we were right).  To add to the celebrations this was also going to be the last Queen’s Day for good few years as Queen Beatrix was stepping down from the throne allowing her son Willem- Alexander to become King. 

Some of our group all dressed up 
When the 30th of April arrived we all got up early and started the process of turning ourselves orange.  From orange clothes, to orange face paint to orange hair we all looked the part and were ready for a day full of celebrations (getting ready for the day ended up in a bundle of laughs when one of the boys painted himself all orange and then found out that the paint he had used may have been waterproof).   As this was a big day of celebrations in The Netherlands we decided not to go to Amsterdam because on a normal day Amsterdam is very busy never mind on one of the biggest celebrated day in Dutch culture.  Instead our Erasmus group decided to go to Eindhoven to celebrate the day.  When we arrived in Eindhoven we were amazed to see all the different activities that were taking place.  Everything and everyone was dressed in orange and there was music blasting from everywhere in the street.  It was amazing to see how everyone came together to celebrate such a special day.  It made me think about how people might feel when they come to Ireland and witness St. Patrick’s Day. 

The street in Eindhoven
We celebrated Queen’s day long into the night with the celebrations ending at the Canal beside Vossenveld.  It really was one of those experiences that I will never forget and as it was celebrated with an amazing group of people it will always remain one of my most cherished memories.  Dave Brenner states that “ Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories”.

It was such a good day that we have even thought about coming back to the Netherlands to celebrate King’s Day in the future. 

Brenner, D. Available at: (last accessed 04/05/13)

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