Wednesday 1 May 2013

Week 12 Personal

This week was a very special week for me as it was the week of my 21st birthday.  My birthday was on the 23rd of April (Tuesday) but as I wasn’t going to be at home to celebrate it our Erasmus group decided to start the celebrations early on Saturday.   Normally people say end your night with a bang but in our case our night started with a bang, a big bang which left Darren and I with some cuts to our hands and left my bike in the bike ziekenhuis (bike hospital) to get a new wheel put on.  None the less we continued on out and had an amazing pre-21st party.

Party Decorations
On the day of my birthday I went into my placement school.  We had our normal gym lesson in the morning and after it the children sang Happy Birthday to me in English and in Dutch.  Some of the children in my class had made posters for my birthday while other children had brought in some cupcakes for me.  After school I returned back to my flat where I screamed with excitement when I saw that our kitchen had been completely decorated with 21st birthday banners and balloons. 

From the PowerPoint
All during the week I had been receiving presents and cards from home which I had promised not to open until my birthday so you can imagine my excitement when the day finally arrived to open them.   As if my day couldn’t get any better I was then surprised again when I went into our kitchen to find our Erasmus group sitting around a table full of presents for me and a chocolate and strawberry cake.  Now I’m not one to get emotional but the fact that all these people who didn't even know me three months ago (apart from Darren and Sarah) went to so much effort for my birthday brought some tears to my eye, and to make matters worse one of my flatmates had prepared a PowerPoint especially for my birthday which just made the happy tears flow. One of  the items that really did pull at my heartstrings was a signed photo frame, this is something that will always remain special to me and will always make me think of Erasmus Nijmegen 2013. At the time I couldn't thank them all enough for making the day so special for me (Darren and Sarah really outdid themselves) however the next morning I wasn't so keen on thanking them for the after effects of the party.

All my amazing gifts 

Family dinner 
Although the start of this week was amazing the end of the week had a different sort of feel to it.  On Friday we had our last Erasmus family dinner together as our French friend Jodie is now coming to the end of her 3 month Erasmus. Although Jodie isn’t leaving for another few days some of our friends are going back home for May break so our dinner was the last time that we would all be together for a while.  Although we had an amazing dinner it was strange thinking that we would be missing a member of our family for our last two months of our Erasmus.  The days have been creeping in on us and it seems like just yesterday that we had shared a taxi with Jodie the very first day we landed here.  Even in just three months we have created memories that will last forever and as Harriet Morgan (2013) states “A memory lasts forever, never will it die.  True friends stay together and never say goodbye”.   So when it comes to the day that Jodie has to leave, we know that it won’t be a goodbye but a great big “see you later”.


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