Tuesday 2 July 2013

Week 20 - Professional

This week was our second last week of Erasmus and it was mostly spent finishing up assignments and having our last few classes in PABO (the building where all our classes were held). 

As usual I had left everything to the last minute, other people in our Erasmus group were finishing up their assignments but I was just starting them.  I have never been one for starting assignments a few days or weeks before they have to be handed in and this was still the case on Erasmus. I always find myself procrastinating and telling myself you still have lots of time left to do this work and if I am being honest leaving things to the last minute has always worked out for me (well so far anyway) and as Michael S. Traylor (2013) says “If it weren’t for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn’t get done.”

 This week we had our final classes of our classroom of diversity module, our global citizenship module and our tutoring module.  In each of these modules we had a variety of different assignments and presentations to do both individually and working in groups. 
 For our classroom of diversity module we had to write a narrative about “How to deal with diversity”.  This assignment got us to think about our lives and the different ways we have learnt to deal with diversity while growing up.  This made me think about how important it is to teach children about diversity not only in the world but also in their own lives.  We were giving different aspects of our lives to look at from values passed on by parents, teachers and friends to different influences from the communities we grew up in.  I think that this was a great way of getting us to think about diversity in a personal way.  Not only did we learn about what diversity is but we learnt how diversity has affected us throughout our lives and how it has made us into the people we are today.

In our Global Citizenship module we had to produce five lesson plans using a book called “Windows on the world”.  We had a variety of different themes to choose from and the themes I chose were: diversity, identity, sustainable development, distribution and peace and conflict.  I really enjoyed this assignment as we got to see how to use an unusual resource to create unique and individual lesson plans which we then got to share with the rest of our class.  I will definitely be using this book for future lesson ideas when I am teaching the World around Us and I will be using some of the lessons I have planned.
Windows on the world book 

Finally for our school placement module we had to write an eight page report about our time in our placement schools.  This was very interesting for me as I got to reflect on a variety of different things I had learnt while I was on placement and also what I taught the children during my time there.  This made me think to the other placements I have experienced and the different things I have learnt from each of my placements.  This experience has allowed me to see what it is like to teach in a “foreign” school and I think we cannot learn this by being taught but we have to experience it first-hand. As Benjamin Franklin stated “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” 

Franklin, B. available at: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/learning (last accessed 26/06/13)

Traylor, Michael S. (2013) Time management quotes and sayings available at: http://timeman.com/time-management-tips/time-management-quotes-and-sayings (last accessed 26/06/13)

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